
97th constitutional amendment

We are constantly told that we can’t control our thoughts and actions, but this isn’t the case. Our thoughts, words, and actions (along with our entire culture) have the power to create an effect that is beyond our control.

We all know that we can control the thoughts of those around us, but what we can’t control is the actual action of our thoughts and actions. We can control our actions, but not our thoughts, words, and actions.

When it comes to constitutional amendments, we cant control our thoughts and actions. The purpose of this is to get people to think about the fact that we have the power to change the current laws. The people who are trying to change the law are usually doing so as a protest, but we cant use our power to change the law in a way that isnt protest. In a way, this is like the whole “I can change the law, what I can not change is the law.

It is important to realize that the main goal of our government is to make sure that the laws we are trying to change are actually just laws that have been given to us by the people who made laws. So we have to make sure that they are also laws that have been passed by the people who passed them.

Most laws aren’t just written by the people who wrote them, they are also passed by the people who voted them in. The people who made these laws are also the ones who write the laws that change the law. Our job isn’t simply to change the law, but to actually make sure that the law is the law that has been passed by the people who wrote the law.

A lot of people have been saying that the “law” is NOT the “law” and that there is no right and wrong to it. If they have any right and wrong to it, they must be a bunch of “people” who voted for it.

The law is based on the law, not on the people who wrote it. The people who voted for it are not the people who wrote the law. They are the people who voted for it.

So, lets go over the 97th amendment. This is the bill which was passed by the people, not the people who wrote the bill. The people who voted on this are the people who voted for the bill. They have the right to say that they are the people who wrote this bill. Since they are the people who voted for it, they are the ones who have the right to change the law.

Now, we all know that if a bill becomes popular in this country, it is most certainly not the people who wrote it who are the ones who can change the law. But we also know that the people who voted on it are, in fact, the people who can change the law.

The constitution is not our constitution. It is the people’s constitution. The people who voted for it are the ones who can change the law. So, no, they cannot change the law.

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