The process of applying for your first job is perhaps one of the most tedious and daunting challenges in your life. It requires an amount of focus, determination, and perseverance that is far greater than what you would expect in a college or high school environment. Having said that, there are some tools that can help you prepare for this challenge and increase your chances of getting hired. Things like a resume builder, job search websites, mail trackers, and even social media platforms can help in your job searching process if used strategically. Here’s a guide on how to properly use these tools to help you at your first shot of job hunting.

Creating an effective resume

Resumes hold a degree of utility that is absolutely indispensable for anyone looking for a job, especially for first-timers. Essentially, a resume highlights all your relevant details, skills, experience, and other qualifications, which helps in letting prospective employers know the value you can bring to their company. A well-created resume could do wonders in some instances. This is all the more critical for first-time job seekers as you naturally lack the relevant work experience that is required for most jobs today. 

A good resume could highlight your strengths and seemingly minimize your weaknesses so that your application would look good to employers. As it is often quite difficult to create a good resume from scratch, an online resume-building website could help you get sorted as quickly and as conveniently as possible. Websites such as offer excellent resume services and guides that could be extremely useful during a job search.

Searching for a job through websites and apps

The job-seeking process has come a long way from the traditional method of looking for job posters on the streets and taking them to company offices. Today, most, if not all, jobs are being offered online. As such, it is also a smart strategy to explore job search websites and applications for job opportunities. These platforms provide a very conducive and practical avenue for job seekers and companies to find and offer jobs. Consider browsing multiple job search websites and applications to effectively increase your chances of getting hired.

Mail tracking tools

During your job search process, it is inevitable that you will have to deal with an influx of responses from company representatives and human resource officers. You might find it difficult to sort and browse through all the messages, emails, and notifications which may result in poor prioritization strategies. Tracking tools could help massively in this regard. These tools allow you to customize your notifications so that you can tailor them specifically to how you want them to be set up. Through this, you can segment responses to multiple categories depending on their relevance, how recent they are, and where they originated. These tools can extend to text messages, calls, and other notifications as well so that you can browse and check all responses in a single app.

Setting up your social media profile

Employers often check your social media profiles as part of their screening and sorting process. Many job-seekers fail at this point as their social media accounts are filled with irrelevant and unprofessional content. Bear in mind that, even though social media accounts are considered personal affairs, companies prefer not to associate themselves with those who cannot maintain a degree of professionalism outside the work environment. This is done to protect the image of the firm and to maintain the integrity of other workers as well. In order to address this concern, be sure to make your social media accounts relatively formal and clean. Also, avoid interacting with posts that may clash with company rules and policy.


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